The Gospel Crusade in Lomé, Togo had been scheduled several weeks prior, but due to some insurmountable difficulties at the border, it was postponed at the last minute. Despite the disappointment and inconvenience, God would prove true to His Word—making all things work together for good!
On the second night of the Gospel Crusade, when it appeared that the field would be far too small to accommodate the attendees, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached about the blood of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit demonstrated His power. Every night after the prayer for salvation, the people brought their demonic trinkets, charms, fetishes, amulets, “juju” and idols to be burned in large drums. Often these items have been given to people by witch doctors. They instill great fear and superstition in those who possess them. But on one particular night, both drums, which had just burned earlier, were both filled again! For a second time on the same night, people renounced them and the witchcraft behind them. Then Evangelist Kolenda took authority over every curse, broke them in Jesus’ name, and the people rejoiced in freedom.
For the past year, trained and equipped young evangelists were sent into cities, like Lomé, for weeks ahead of the crusades to reach out to the locals. They went to many places that the main crusades couldn’t reach. They ministered in schools, villages,marketplaces, on street corners, on church properties and football fields—anywhere to attract an audience. And with the proper equipment, these tenacious evangelists hosted up to three meetings per day. Eight weeks before the Togo Gospel Crusade, the evangelists preached the Gospel—two of them were Paul Maurer and Jared Horton. Paul prayed for a woman who could not walk for one year as a result of a car accident, and she was healed. Another woman, paralyzed and carried to the field one night, was healed and able to walk. Also, a young lady whose foot was twisted to one side was healed as her foot straightened out, and she walked normally. During one of the village outreaches, one woman testified that a lump in her breast vanished.
These were just a few of many wonderful miracles that happened in Lomé—a glimpse of what God is doing in Africa today! Please continue to pray for these crusades. The best is yet to come!